The kids and I recently dove into the world of home brewing. Sometimes my Facebook feed is all recipes, recipes, more recipes… Look! More annoying recipes, recip— ooh! I should make that! Root beer was one of those stop and scroll back recipes for me. I did a brief skim of it, enough to know I needed brewer's yeast, and kept scrolling. A couple weeks later, brewer's yeast in hand, I went back to find the recipe. Couldn't find it. I was fairly sure of who posted it, so I searched their timeline. Nothing. Pinterest will have it. Everything is on Pinterest. Well, not everything apparently. I found more root beer recipes than one would ever believe existed — did you know you can carbonate with dry ice?! — but not the one I was looking for. Since I already had the yeast, I was bound and determined to make something. There were two recipes which stood out above the rest. One used yeast, a different kind, but no biggie, right? Wrong! But more on that later. The other used a...